Cookie Policy

Last updated: 2023-06-12

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that websites store on your computer. Cookies have many uses, such as allowing you to efficiently navigate between pages, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience.

Cookies and other technologies can also be used to measure the effectiveness of marketing and help us in other ways to make your use of our platforms and features more relevant and useful for you.

It is important to know that cookies collect personal information and even non-identifiable information.

How and why do we use cookies?

Mainly we use cookies to ensure the website's functionality (such as authentication), to track the traffic to our website, to understand your behavior on the website, to optimize and adapt content on the pages, to remember your preferences and to present relevant content (including marketing) for you on our website and on third party websites.

To understand how we use cookies that collect personal data we recommend that you read our privacy policy.

Your choices

You can read more about cookies by visiting, where you can find useful information on cookies and how you can block cookies in different browsers.

If you want to delete or disable cookies via your browser, see your browser's configuration documentation. Note however that by blocking or deleting all cookies used on the website you may not be able to take full advantage of it and you may be unable to log in correctly.

For analytics we use Google Analytics. To opt out of Google Analytics you can download a plug-in by visiting

Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may update this cookie policy from time to time. If so, we will publish an updated cookie policy within the website. Changes, modifications, additions or deletions effective immediately upon posting on the website.

We encourage you to regularly review this cookie policy for possible changes. Your continued use of the website and/or your continued provision of personal information to us after the publication of the updated cookie policy is subject to the terms of the privacy policy in force at the time and the cookie policy. If you continue to use the platform, you will be deemed to have accepted the change.